Pet Grooming Stats 2022: Trend, Cost, Inflation & Services

Pet grooming is referring to hygienic and cleaning the pets, including bathing, hair trimming, nail grinding, and brushing. There are different grooming services and the cost are various depend on the packages.

Photo by Александр Гросс / Unsplash
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According to the National Pet Owners Survey, 70 percent of United States households own a pet. Raising a pet will also need care and attention to keep them healthy physically and mentally. The best way to take care of the pet is grooming, which requires hygienic care and cleaning. Pet grooming includes bathing, clipping their nails, brushing, styling the fur, and cleaning their ears. It plays a vital role in ensuring that the pet's physical appearance looks clean and will not have any disease or parasites on its body. In this paper, you will learn more about pet grooming services and products, the grooming process, the cost of grooming, grooming stores, the pet grooming market, and the effect of inflation on pet grooming.

Trendy Pet Grooming Products and Services

Trendy Pet Grooming Products and Services - Happypetsilla
Photo by: istockphoto

To keep the pets clean and healthy, the best quality grooming products should be used and applied to the pets, whether the pet parents do it themselves at home or professional groomers. Professional groomers recommended some of the popular and essential products for pet grooming. The shampoo and bathing tools are recommended for washing the pets, and it would be best if there were natural pet shampoos. The pet owners should also buy combs or brushes to brush their hair to untangle them and remove the mats or flakes. And there’s a bristle or rubber brush to remove the loose or dead hair under the coat. There should also be clippers or shears to cut the long hair and nail clippers or grinders to trim their nails.

Professional groomers also use the table to help keep the pets in place while grooming them. The professional-quality table would assist the grooming tasks easier. After washing the pets, drying their hair is a must, so there should be a hair dryer to dry off the pet. Furthermore, high-quality trimmers should be durable and robust when trimming the pets' hairs. They come with different blades for different lengths of coats. Also, trimming the pets' nails is tricky because they could be frightened or move around, so it would be hard to cut their nails. Therefore, find the best nail clipper model with durability and strength and make the pets feel comfortable while grinding their nails.

Additional trending services include natural grooming products. Some pet owners would want to use their best natural ingredients on their pet, especially shampoo because it could not harm their pets and keep them healthy.

For dogs, square and round faces are trendy, and pet owners demand skilled groomers to shape their dogs to the square and round faces. Trimming the nails is not enough; therefore, pet parents tend to have groomers do their nail arts for their furry children to make them more stylish. Lastly, there are creative grooming styles where they can color the pet coats and look fashionable and add up to the trend. These trendy pet groomings make pet owners happy and love their pets even more.

How Often do People Groom their Pets?

How Often do People Groom their Pets? Happypetsilla
Photo by J. Balla Photography / Unsplash

How many times do you take a bath or brush your teeth per day? Humans must keep their body, hair, teeth, and nails clean and physically attractive. They take a bath at least once per day. So do animals. They also want to have a clean body so that they can get love from others. Different animals have different ways of grooming. In this article, let's discuss different ways of grooming dogs, cats, and rabbits.

As for dogs, they have different breeds with different physical appearances, such as some are long-hair breeds while some are short hair breeds. If the canines are long-coated, brush them daily to remove the ticks, fleas, or flakes from their fur, and it would also keep their coat healthy. Since their hair is long, it must be cut 5 to 6 times yearly to keep them clean. Medium-haired breeds like German shepherds need to brush a few times a week to remove the loose hair or trim their hair once in a while. Lastly, short-haired dogs need to brush once a week; since their coats are short, they don’t usually get cut. When buying the brush for your canines, make sure you purchase the right one for the right hair so that it does not irritates their skin. Besides their fur, dogs also need to have their nails cut. Their claws are long naturally, and they could get injured or have arthritis, so trim their nails to clean all the dirt. To keep them clean, wash them to eliminate the foul odor, and make sure you use pet shampoo, not human shampoo.

Similarly to dogs, cats must brush a few times a week and do it gently and calmly because cats are more sensitive than dogs. Longer hair breeds need more hair combing than medium or short coats. Unlike dogs who love to play around in the dirt or mud and must be bathed most of the time, cats don’t need to wash regularly. Furthermore, cats don’t need to trim their nails much unless they are too sharp and have sore paws.

Rabbits also have different coat lengths; therefore, long-haired breeds should be brushed daily to avoid getting matted, and medium or short hair should be combed once or twice a week to remove the dead hair or flakes and keep the hair healthy. Furthermore, rabbits will be frightened when put into a bath, so they don’t need to be washed regularly. If they are dirty, use a cloth to clean and dry them gently. Rabbits will constantly groom and keep themselves clean. However, their nails will need to be cut weekly and keep them short to prevent any harm.

Cost Average

Pet grooming will depend on the different types of animals, the breeds, and the size of the animals. For example, you might pay more for grooming the dog than the cat. Since there are various types of grooming services, pet parents should research more about the prices so that they would not get deceived by the groomers. Sometimes, it comes as packages for the pet owners can choose, and you can do the full grooming or just shower or trim the nails.

Here are the lists of grooming services and prices for dogs, cats, and rabbits.



Basic Grooming 

Full Grooming

Trim Nails, shave Paw Pads























Basic Grooming 

Full Grooming

Lion Cut

Trim Nails, shave Paw Pads



Long Coat 







Short Coat









Basic Grooming 

Full Grooming

Long Coat



Short Coat



The lists above are some grooming services; however, you might need to spend more depending on various factors. For example, if the grooming stores are far from your house, you need to pay more for transportation, whether you use your transport or their pick-up and drop-off service. Furthermore, the prices of the services might be higher if you live in the big cities rather than small cities or rural areas. And lastly, if your pet has a bad temperament, such as aggression, anxiety, or needs special care, the groomers might charge you more for service.

Type of Services

Type of Services For Pet Grooming - Happypetsilla
Photo by Александр Гросс / Unsplash

There are different types of grooming services. Imagine you need to clean yourself to look perfect and physically attractive. Thus the grooming services include a shampoo for bathing, brushing, haircutting, trimming the nails, ear cleaning, and teeth brushing. Furthermore, sometimes your pets have smelly anal glands that need to squeeze out to avoid infection. Aside from these regular grooming, there are extra services that you can ask for but also need to spend more on those services. Those extra services include:

  • Nail polish: To make it more fun and creative, pet owners can ask to paint their pet’s nails to look pretty.
  • De-shedding: Brush out the stray hair.
  • Flea or tick treatment: Pets tend to get fleas on their skin. The groomers need to check carefully under their coats to check for these parasites and get rid of them.
  • De-matting: This is to remove the mats from their coats, and this process needs to be done by professional groomers and the right tools.
  • Blueberry facial: removing the dead skins from the pets’ faces.

Pet Stores in USA

In the United States, there are more than 18,000 pet stores. However, it keeps increasing since people are adopting more pets, and they need more supplies and grooming services for their pets. In addition, some stores are online, so people can order their products online, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic when people were locked down. One of the most prominent players is Petsmart, which has hundreds of pet stores across the country. Petsmart provides different facilities, including pet grooming.

How Does Inflation Affect Pet Grooming?

Inflation is when the economy is decreasing, the money value is decreasing, and everything is expensive. But how can inflation affect pet grooming? Pet grooming is part of the expenses in your household. You need to buy food and other necessities daily for your family; hence your pets are part of the family, so you also need to spend on them. As for pet grooming, you need to buy products for them and take them to the vets, which costs a lot of money. Like most consumer goods and services worldwide, pet products and services have also struck up in the past year. Many pet parents are worried about the price of pet care. According to the U.S Department of Labor, pet grooming services rose by 5.8%.

Even though the prices are increasing, the pet parents are not willing to stop paying because it’s an obligation for them to take care of their furry children and love them just like their family members. Hence, this depicts that pet grooming salons or services would not detrimentally affect by inflation. People might think that when there is inflation, pet parents would buy fewer pet products and go to pet grooming salons less; however, it’s the opposite. Since the consumer products and services are high due to inflation, people will buy only necessary products or services. Therefore, manufacturers or retailers of pet products still earn profit. They are pet parents who visit the stores and grooming salons.

Pet Grooming at Home

A cat being groomed during a live competition at a grooming show - Happypetsilla
Photo by Reba Spike / Unsplash

Some pet owners do not want to take their pets to the vets or any other grooming services; they can also groom their pets themselves at home. For instance, many people were locked down during the Covid-19 pandemic, so they could not go out; thus, grooming their pets at home was the best choice. However, pet grooming also needs professional groomers to do it. Therefore, there are some dos and don’ts that pet owners should know if deciding to groom their pets themselves.


For bathing, it would be helpful if there’s a partner to bathe with so that they don’t feel lonely and scared taking a bath alone. They would behave well and feel secure while shampooing or massaging. Furthermore, bathing them in the backyard would make them feel fresh and don’t stress out. They would think that it’s their playing ground. The water temperature for bathing should be too cold or too hot, and after rinsing off all the water, dry it gently and carefully and clean out all the excess water in their ears and eyes. After bathing, reward them with some snacks so that next time they would not stress out and run away during bathing time.

When brushing their hair or trimming their nails, try to make them feel calm and comfortable. Pet parents can brush their hair daily and massage and remove the white flames from their skin. For instance, if the dogs have long hair, they need to be brushed with pin brushes that have long and round-ended stainless steel, bristle brushes with medium long coated breeds, and slicker brushes to remove loose hair. As the groomers, try to do it gently and play with the pets as their friends to ensure they feel comfortable and behave well. Check for the burrs or mats and try to brush them to help the pets shed regularly.

Ensure that the tools you use to groom, including the brush, nail clipper, and shampoos, are safe to use around your pet.


Some pet owners do not know professional grooming skills, so they do not know what products should be used on their pets. Therefore, they sometimes use human shampoos or soap to wash their pets because it smells good and works well for humans. However, they do not know that those products used on humans could contain chemicals that could harm the pet or do not contain proper pH balance for the dog’s fur, resulting in skin irritation or allergic reaction. Besides shampoo, other tools used to trim the nails or the hair have different functions do use professional and high quality grooming products for the animals' safety. If you want to groom your pet yourself, get proper products and know how to do it properly, or else  take them to professional groomers.

Pet Grooming Services Market

People are more passionate about pets and need companions, especially during covid -19; therefore, more people adopt more pets, including dogs, cats, rabbits, snakes, hamsters, etc. Thus, more pet grooming products and services are also increasing. As a result, the grooming service market in the US is expected to grow by over 5 % from 2020-2026. More than 100,000 pet grooming businesses are operating in the US, and it keeps growing. For instance, pet owners spend around at least $700 on pet grooming products or services and other cares; therefore, the revenue of the pet industry in the US is unexpectedly growing.

However, different regions of the US have different numbers of pet grooming demands. For example, the southern region might demand more services and products than other regions; hence, more markets would be doing well in the region.

Ensure that your pets are healthy, grooming them more often but do it correctly. Try using the right tools and products for your pets to avoid harming them. Check for parasites and any other issues. If there are problems, take them to the veterinarians to check and get treatment as soon as possible. Pet parents always try to use the best products or services for their pets since they are so passionate and love their children. Many pet stores sell pet grooming products and services, and the businesses are thriving even if the economy is going into inflation because people are so in love and care for their pets.


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