Everything You Need to Know about Sphynx

Sphynx is a type of hairless cat breed. It's a very friendly and adorable cat bree. Due to the bald skin, you need to take care of their health attentively.

Photo by Maksym Diachenko / Unsplash

You may have seen cats with no hair and wondered what breed those cats are. They are called Sphynx, one of the unique cats anyone could ever encounter. They have many exciting traits that separate them from most cats. Here is all the information you need about the hairless cat breed, Sphynx.

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The Features of  Sphynx Cats

Sphynx cats, of course, have a unique feature that can differentiate them from other cats. The hairless cats indeed have no hair at all. They have little fur that can be said to be bald. They have rather big ears, deep round eyes, and sharp v-line faces. Long slender legs are the most noticed characteristic of Sphynx cats. Unlike other cats, they have smooth skin that is said to have the color peach that is only wrinkly on their head, legs sections, and chest. Aside from those places, their skin is stretched taut and smooth to the touch. It is pretty easy to spot a Sphynx cat, as they have different features from other cats.

The Origin of Sphynx Cats

The sphynx, also known as the Canadian hairless, was first discovered in Toronto, Canada, in 1966. A naturally occurring genetic mutation led to the appearance of a hairless kitten in a litter of domestic shorthair kittens. It started when a black and white domestic shorthair queen (Elizabeth) gave birth to a hairless male kitten called Prune. The kitten then backcrossed with his mother, resulting in another naked kitten's birth. Sphynx cats were then explicitly bred for that hairless trait.

The Traits of Sphynx Cats

Photo by Ryan Chen / Unsplash

Despite their alienated looks, Sphynx cats' personalities are more adorable than you might think! The hairless cats are loving cats that are friendly and love attention. They would always come up to greet owners when they came back home. Sphynx cats are naturally very talkative and purr more than normal cats. You may find information regarding Sphynx cats being the number one purring cat. Sphynx cats appear exceptionally smart, attentive, and observant of their surroundings. This is not the breed for you if you want an independent cat that won't need much one-on-one attention! They frequently choose a favorite family member and act as their shadow since they are so devoted and attentive toward them. A Sphynx cat's body temperature ranges from 1 to 2 degrees above normal cats. More so than cats with higher body temperatures, cats at the lower end of the body temperature spectrum frequently seek warmth. A Sphynx cat will seek to sleep with owners, usually seen sleeping under the duvet. For example, they do not spend time outside in the snow or sitting on tile floors. Although they have little protection from the cold, that does not suggest they should directly face the sun. Sphynx cats will have a few health issues once they do. Because of this, it is necessary to provide sun protection to their fair skin. Sphynx cats are so interesting, from their personality traits to their likes and dislikes.

Health Issues of Sphynx Cats

It appears that Sphynx cats frequently develop rashes and fungal infections. These widespread symptoms can be brought on by various conditions, including food or pollen allergies, parasites like fleas or mites, bacterial or fungal infections, and even some inflammatory illnesses. Sphynx cats do get sunburns just like humans. The ears and nose are particularly vulnerable since there is little hair or melanin to protect them, especially in Sphynx cats with pale skins. When your Sphynx cats go out in the direct sun, it is advised to apply sun protection on their skin. Like any other cats, Sphynx cats get common diseases, such as diarrhea from food diets, rectal prolapse, etc. Therefore, providing healthcare services for them is necessary, such as vaccinations and visiting veterinarian clinics. A few health conditions have been known to affect Sphynx cats, including the illness known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which causes the heart muscle to swell. Thus, unlike other cats, Sphynx cats are in more danger of exposure to skin problems. Other than that, they face specific diseases like normal cats.

Ways to Feed Sphynx Cats

Just like any other cats, Sphynx cats need enough nutrients in their food. It is best to consider their diet according to the cat's health, lifestyle, and age. Sphynx cats are mostly given raw meats for their food, as it's said to improve the cat's health. Moreover, only water is necessary for the Sphynx cat, and cow's milk should never be given to it. Cow's milk doesn't provide the nutrients needed for Sphynx cats.

Similarly, most cats are lactose intolerant. This is because they do not have the enzyme lactase to consume the sugar in the milk. A cat does not often consume food and water together in the wild; therefore, owners should try to keep the water source and feeding spots apart. A balanced, high-quality diet is essential to preserving the health of Sphynx cats' skin since they have so little body hair. For most Sphynx cats, moisturizing oils are naturally produced by the skin. However, some cats lack that function; therefore, owners can help their cats eat more wet food to help moisturize them. Aside from the need for higher moisturized food, the diets for Sphynx cats aren't so different from any other cats.

One of the most unusual cats one might ever come across is the sphynx cat. They differ from most cats in a variety of intriguing ways. You may read more about Sphynx cats as mentioned above, including details on their characteristics, history, attributes, health problems, and nutrition.


Richard, W. | Sacramento, California. Can Cats Drink Milk? Here's Everything You Need to Know | Pawlicy Advisor https://www.pawlicy.com/blog/can-cats-drink-milk/#benefits

Pierre. (2022). The Ultimate Sphynx Cat Feeding Guide | Purr Craze. https://purrcraze.com/sphynx-cat-feeding-guide#:~:text=The%20ideal%20diet%20for%20your,removed%20to%20prevent%20choking%20hazards.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Sphynx cat - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphynx_cat