Can Dogs Eat Bananas When Having Diarrhea?

If your dog has diarrhea, bananas are completely safe to feed them. Pectin, a soluble fiber found in bananas solidifies stools. Giving too many bananas will harm their health, so make sure you give them the right amount and keep an eye out for any other issues.

Dog & Banana/ Get image:Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what kinds of food should be given to your dogs when they are sick? It’s hard to know when your pet is sick since they cannot talk like humans. Diarrhea is one of the problems that your dogs might encounter; however, it is not a disease, but it’s a problem with their systems that a dietary indiscretion can trigger. There are different methods of treating diarrhea, and food is one of the most important ways. Thus, can dogs eat bananas when they have diarrhea?

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Causes of diarrhea

First, the cause of diarrhea is the food travels through the GI system faster than usual, so it has less time to absorb water. As the owners, you will observe your babies have runny stools, are dehydrated, and have no energy. As recommended by the vet, fasting for 12-24 hours is one of the best ways when they have diarrhea or other stomach issues.

Benefits of Feeding Bananas to Dogs with Diarrhea

However, if your dogs are begging for food, bananas are 100% safe for feeding your pet. Bananas have essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, biotin, and vitamin B6. Furthermore, bananas are a cooling and moisturizing food that helps restore energy. Since your dog has diarrhea, you need to give them food with fiber that helps the gut form solid stools. For instance, Pectin, a soluble fiber found in bananas, can help the colon and the GI system solidify stools. Besides a soluble fiber, potassium regulates the fluid level that can restore energy and replenish a dehydrated body.


However, bananas are also poisonous if consumed too much. In addition, giving too many bananas to your dogs can cause constipation, bloating, and gasping or even worsen diarrhea since it contains high sugar. Furthermore, you should watch out for allergy symptoms after giving them bananas, including butt scooting, scratching, hair loss, swollen muzzle or eyes, swollen feet or joints, and gasping. Thus, you should give only one or two slices for small dogs, three to four pieces for medium-sized dogs, and five to six slices or half a banana for big dogs.

Feeding Process

Cut into small slices for your dog/ Get image: istockphoto

To feed them, you can mash them and mix them with peanut butter or yogurt if the veterinarian approves. Since they are sick, sometimes, they cannot eat, so that you can stuff the slices into the toy, so they can eat them while playing. Besides bananas, there are other kinds of food that you can give to the dogs when they have diarrhea, and they need to be cooling food with high-protein content, easy to digest, and provide energy.

As a dog owner, when your pets have diarrhea, you can give them bananas because it has soluble fiber that can bind the stools. In addition, bananas are moisturized fruits that can restore energy and water. However, giving too many bananas will affect their health, so you must provide the right amount and look out for any other problems.